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(a)ings are inspirational, We are not Angel's! We believe in defending ourselves & our friends against the hate on msp. Our theme this week is: ♥ For the Love Of Valentines♥ ! ♥ !..Have an idea for a theme, weekly, or weekend theme of your choice? Just email me and let me know i will help you with it if you like <33 Contact me- Imvu- hollyreneexx , Facebook- Hollyrenee Msp , Twitter- @hollyreneemsp Email address- hollyreneeukmsp@gmail.com

Sunday, April 5, 2015


Cadie and Lauren had a great idea for a new slogan #Imdone

I agree and have agreed for so long and tried for even longer to get the hate to stop on msp.. Those who are blocked and those who just well hate us leave us be and block us.. 

The hate on msp has died down some but NOT completely, I go there for friends and to play the game not hate.. 

Ignore the hate, block and report and even email msp about it and get them more involved with the hate on their game.. maybe they will handle it better if more emailed them.

Wht I mean by fight against it I mean ignore it.. dnt give in.. Tht is fighting against it..

Haters want you to feel bad, they want you to quit, BUT why given into their wants? You shouldnt.. I havent once gave in and dnt intend to..

Listen to the songs I have on here some of them describe my feelings about msp

Make art books and use #staystrong, #mspwantspeace, & #imdone! get arts to high scores together we can do this

& before i get accused of this post being about a certain person or persons its not, Im not fighting.. I am asking for it all just to stop <33

Please read 
Laurens posting for more..


  1. Thank you so much for your posting, it means the world to me ly. ♥
    Lauren <33
    http://bonkeroomspamazingpeople.blogspot.co.uk/ also there is another posing there ^^ <33

    1. Thank you both for making this slogan... It is great for the other slogans we have come up with.. #staystrong, #mspwantspeace, #Imdone

  2. This is such a good idea <33

    1. Im glad you share mine and cadies opinions <33 means a lot to us both, if you ahvent already feel free to add me <3 im bonkeroo xox

  3. I love this slogan.. it just shows the people that are hating on us, that we want it to stop.. we dont ask for any of this and we dont want it. I will make an ab whenever I can.. It is important that people read all the artbooks - they ARE important and deserve to be on highscores. Anything to help stop this fighting is needed. And I took your advice bestie.. I am not quitting and I just made a new bunch of friends.. it is so much better than shedding the tears that I did so many times over one stupid person desperate to make herself feel more important than me <33 #ImDone

    1. like i said means a lot you share our opinions feel free to add me if you ahvent already, ly xox <33 ~lauren

    2. I will send the request now - JenTheArcher <33

    3. okay, ill accept <33


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