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(a)ings are inspirational, We are not Angel's! We believe in defending ourselves & our friends against the hate on msp. Our theme this week is: ♥ For the Love Of Valentines♥ ! ♥ !..Have an idea for a theme, weekly, or weekend theme of your choice? Just email me and let me know i will help you with it if you like <33 Contact me- Imvu- hollyreneexx , Facebook- Hollyrenee Msp , Twitter- @hollyreneemsp Email address- hollyreneeukmsp@gmail.com

Saturday, September 13, 2014

My definition of NOT caring for fame! Please read

I am setting the record straight.. Angelings dnt care for fame that hurts people.. Example like making hateful arts, making hateful movies,  that is the fame WE dont care for.. BUT do it to me or any of my friends or angelings we will do it back to you.. I do care about getting to the 1st page.. BUT again I dont even try because I dont believe in threatening people to get there.. & when I am close to getting on it or even make it there all the 1st pg does everything to keep me off it.. Sad huh? I think it is.. They just dont want another angeling on the front page :)

So to the person who says if I didnt care about fame I wouldnt be where I am.. well I worked hard for where I am.. I have done a lot for people.. My rewards prove that.. I have friends that help me who dont hurt me! I dont go fame seeking like some do... and bring drama to msp.. I just defend myself and friends against your silly hate, comments, arts & movies & blog posts 

The list could go on about how unfair that game truly is.. and how so many are HYPOCRITES.. they can do everything like fame seek and hurt people and get away with it.. BUT someone from Angelings does something wrong a BIG NO NO.. get a life... The game revolves around everyone.. NOT just to the people with high numbers.. so many need to look at the person and not the number..

Again have apologized for my past and I still get hated.. HOW WRONG is that? But others keep up the drama and get so much out of it.. they feed off it.. But wht ever.. I know my true friends.. They dont..

& no names mentioned but I am pretty sure we know who I am speaking of..

We DONT copy people.. I see 2 "heros" now who copied wht we or I do.. Funny they cant think of their own ideas.. and have to try and make it as their own.. No names mentioned but 1 we know who it is.. the other I am not giving her the satisfaction of being on my blog again "yet" BUT she to is a hypocrite & she will LOVE the attention she gets even if it comes in a bad way

I dont have friends do dirty work like others do.. I dont go twisting things around to make look better..

My friends dont feel ignored.. I talk to them as much as I can.. 

I am truly happy with Angelings I couldnt ask for a better family...

We are and will remain the STRONGEST group on MSP UK..

Everything is sunshine & roses for us.. 

Those who want to believe the lies and unfriend us for being angelings.. well then you dont know us well do you?

To those who have apologized to us we are truly thankful.. 



  1. Agree with every word. They blame us for so much but when you look really. They are the ones doing it, not us.
    Friends come before FAKE fame, and tbh i think someday they will realize that when you use people for fame, one day you will have no-one left. Friends, Fortune & Fame NOT Fame, Fame & Fame. lyssm
    caroline xx

    1. Yes I agree..Its sad to keep this going but i wont let them keep saying bad things of us.. They can all just grow up and move on play their game the way they want and leave us alone.. and we will leave them alone when it THEY stop all the drama.. But they wont as most thrive off it :/ <33hollyrenee

    2. I agree, they play their game, we play ours. as long as they stop causing drama ( i don't think that will be anytime soon because drama=attention and attention=fame )

      They judge us because of our team and i don't like it. I am friends with all the teams i don't judge some one until i have talked to them and seen their personality! (a)lings always ly
      caroline <33

  2. Shall i tell u what i hate about heroes?
    Well these some girl called Melissa Superhero right she was an Angeling then a few days later actually over night she turned into a hero am in like u turned into a hero O_O she like yh i relized how nice they were and then i unbest friend her and then she like U DITCH ME JUST CAUSE IM A HERO PATHETIC Im like i dont wanna start a fight she like IM BEYOUNDCARING I'LL BLOCK :) Im like >.< block me idc at least ik that im not friends with a Lowlife anymore that follows her leader like a dog and at least u lot dont tell other to attack for u Roxy like come on dogs attack lol but its true anyway another girl scammed me and when roxy wrote somthing on her wall she kep it when i wrote Scammer -_- she deleted it or even when her friend wrote Hey she deleted it so low>.<.>.<

  3. Replies
    1. Im sorry she ended up blocking..i amsorry your friendship ended <33hollyrenee

  4. Finally! Someone tells them the TRUE meaning of "putting friends before fame". I have wanted to speak out about this myself but I don't think anyone will listen to me - I don't even go on MSP anymore xD Hopefully they will listen to you, Holly :) Stay strong (a)
    Btw this is GrazyG2 xx

    1. They may and may not I am guessing they wont.. they nvr have <33hollyrenee

  5. Heroes are taking it too far! I saw a hero tell a girl to hate on Angelings,I blocked and msged her (a) Ily

  6. ROXY spy's on everything we do. Anything to hurt anyone for fame. Isha is no better.. Fame means everything to them. If they have to hurt to get it so be it. Nobody is safe with them not even themselves with each other, I'm glad they have that close friendship with claws out against each other.


  8. They love fame. It's like man with his glory and riches, or a man trying to get the crown.


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