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Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Question of the day- August 13th

Today marks a new school yr for my siblings... My sister will be going 9th grade, My brother will be going into 7th, and one of my youngest sisters will be going to 2nd grade.. she should be in 3rd.. but was held back in Kindgarden because she missed a lot of school for a lot of reasons..

Question is..

Have you ever been held a grade? Me, No i was not.. I barely passed grades but I did lol..


  1. Where I live we don't do grades (really) so we have Reception, Year 1, Year 2, Year 3, Year 4, Year 5 etc. up to Year 13 for those who stay till then xD
    I'm not finished school ofc, but so far I haven't been held in a Year twice because I'm too intelligent (i) <-- True fact

  2. I haven't been held back, but I get extra lessons because I am more advanced than my classmates xD I am actually really meant to be in the year below me, but I'm too old for that and too young for the year I am in xD So I was moved up a year halfway through Reception, up to Year One.

  3. LOL you are both confusing me.. do you all have like letter grades.. where you get A's, B's C's, D's and or F's... F means failing.. D means barely passing

    1. Not until we get proper exams.. GCSE's and A levels and stuff.. until then we normally have levels 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8.. and higher.

    2. LOL your grades systems confuse me D: xD

    3. Haven't been held back don't think they do that in UK and like my exam things are A*, A, B, C, D, E, F, G and U and between them we have + or just the letter or - for example in Science= C+ (Yes I'm failing science) This is only from Year 9 (Grade 8) Before that we have numbers that go from 1-9 or 8 idk I'm not young enough to know anymore, but like in year 6 for my Sat in math I got 4C which is a low level 4 and a 4B or 4A is better. I know its confusing to my dad back when I was getting levels too. But guess what! After next year we won't be getting grades, we'll get numbers instead of letters for our exams. Idek either lol

    4. Do you all have Grade Point averages.. ex.. like 4.0 is the best i think.. last night i heard.. the 3rd graders have to pass the reading test with a score of 400.. I thought tht was sort of sad tbh.. if they dnt pass it they will be held back

    5. We dnt have grade point averages.. at least I dnt.. And I got better than Jim -B On our SAT results (i)

    6. It's actually amazing to think that the UK and American school systems are so different o,o

    7. ikr lol, and I got all 6's in my sats 0-o If people get held back a grade it would be so weird like a 16 year old in a 14 yr old's class xD

    8. Ahhaha well take into context you are a lot younger than me Jen and Rio, the grade expectations have been rised. A 4C is bad I'll admit but in year 5 I was happy to be getting a level 3C for the first time... Once you start grades you'll understand levels and sats don't matter. I'm on a grade A currently on a Higher paper and I think my year is the last to get grades therefore my test is easier than yours

    9. Ha. That is bad for us v.v Why am I saying ha to you?! o.e

  4. I think I am going into 8th grade, the uk is quite different but yeah xD I haven't been held back so far xD LOL I do quite good in grades tbh but yeah heh

  5. I was almost help back every year from Kindergarten through third grade because I was mute as a child but my mom raised hell every time they tried.

    1. Good for your mom they shouldnt hold your back for tht reason.. <33


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