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(a)ings are inspirational, We are not Angel's! We believe in defending ourselves & our friends against the hate on msp. Our theme this week is: ♥ For the Love Of Valentines♥ ! ♥ !..Have an idea for a theme, weekly, or weekend theme of your choice? Just email me and let me know i will help you with it if you like <33 Contact me- Imvu- hollyreneexx , Facebook- Hollyrenee Msp , Twitter- @hollyreneemsp Email address- hollyreneeukmsp@gmail.com

Saturday, November 1, 2014

New Theme- Awareness

Angelings theme this week is Awareness.. there are so many awareness tht you could dress up as and show your support for..  Here is also a link that you can see more as well.. so many I couldnt even begin to get all of them on the art

I hope you all enjoy this theme! Please be patient I am very behind... My net was offline for hours..



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  2. #Cancer :( My grandma has cancer ;( Ty for using my idea and ur idea mixed x x I knew u will do this theme <33 I love my grandma ;( Please pray for her guys :( - Carla a m

    1. I am sorry bestie, but please know we are all here for you and hopefully things will be okay <33

  3. Yay this a good theme hopefully it while raize awereness through msp even those who don't take part <3

  4. (▰˘◡˘▰) This is a great theme..It shows support for awareness, and will help those who have went through tough diseases and disabilitys.. I think I will dress in red and black as one of my best friends in real has a family who are atheists and orange as many animals are abused and another of my best friends had leukemia and one of my friends tried to self harm herself a while ago...╯︵╰, Ly *Hugs* This theme means a lot to me as many of my friends and family have been going through tough times <3

  5. I'm loving the theme it's amazing<3

  6. This will be a great theme I bet :) So many things to dress for and support<3

  7. Puzzled Colours - Autism - Someone very close to me has Autism and so I am keen to spread awareness of it <33 Whoever came up with this idea well done :)

    1. I cane up with the idea and holly changed it as awareness x x ily holly

    2. Many people came up with idea Carla and wanted it <33 it was the majority <33

  8. Awweh x this is sweeet <3 How Are You Holly<3


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