About Me

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(a)ings are inspirational, We are not Angel's! We believe in defending ourselves & our friends against the hate on msp. Our theme this week is: ♥ For the Love Of Valentines♥ ! ♥ !..Have an idea for a theme, weekly, or weekend theme of your choice? Just email me and let me know i will help you with it if you like <33 Contact me- Imvu- hollyreneexx , Facebook- Hollyrenee Msp , Twitter- @hollyreneemsp Email address- hollyreneeukmsp@gmail.com

Friday, June 5, 2015

Best Edit Contest Details

Hey everyone! Me and Jim were talking about a contest.. for the best edit!

I get so many edits.. We thought it would be a great idea for you to choose a winner frm those who enter the contest..

Here is wht you have to do please make sure you read..

1. Email me all entries " 1 per week per person plz"
Click this link to enter hollyrenee's email address, Please include your user name on msp

2. The contest is for edits for Angelings current theme.. Black and White, White or Black.. " Remembering our loved ones"

3. I do NOT have to be in them.. They could be of you, friends anything you like..

I will make a special posting of all entries and thn make a poll for everyone to vote on.. I am doing this as " a test" to see if I can handle it..

Please have edits in by Tuesday June 09th..

I will not be taking edits off msp, I cant keep up with the gb to look at them there.. and i dnt get all msgs frm people if you were to msg me saying you have one..

Winner will get 10 Wishys!!! & you will be on my blog, and have a special posting!!

Good luck and have fun!!


  1. Oh no, named and shamed xD and you also named and shamed me about ask fm xD You won't stop till I'm in a complete mess xD and that pose tho xD *cough* I see edits of you all the time, its like a bad smell >.<

  2. I'll enter but you have to give the wishies to someone else -B

    1. LOL, then if you wish you better not have nothing on your wl xD

    2. I uploaded my edit to FaceBook, tagged yuh in it.

  3. I sent you my edit on sophiesummer1208@gmail.com and can my wishies go to WittleSkittle<3 (if I win, which I wont xD)

    1. If you win please remind me but people will vote i will not choose the winner <33

  4. Are my edits not good enough for Jim then? :/ xD
    I'll have a go... not sure if I'll win tbh

    1. Cat, Your edits are great I love them <33 i love all your blog banners <33 They are amazing


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