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(a)ings are inspirational, We are not Angel's! We believe in defending ourselves & our friends against the hate on msp. Our theme this week is: ♥ For the Love Of Valentines♥ ! ♥ !..Have an idea for a theme, weekly, or weekend theme of your choice? Just email me and let me know i will help you with it if you like <33 Contact me- Imvu- hollyreneexx , Facebook- Hollyrenee Msp , Twitter- @hollyreneemsp Email address- hollyreneeukmsp@gmail.com

Saturday, January 24, 2015


Hey everyone, I hope your well.. I wanted to touch base with you..

I am sorry for not being on much Friday and yesterday, I will try and be on some today.. My sister is recovering frm surgery, and then I was sick yesterday so tht threw me way behind.. Please be patient with art's and such , I am sorry for not being abe to make any posts yet



  1. Holly there is no need to be sorry<3 we understand, I hope everything will be okay now<3 love u loads, stay strong<33

    1. Thank you bestie, if it was for Candi you , and all my other friends i would have given up long ago <33 love you so much

    2. Awhh same here, without u and others I am nothing. U r my whole world and I love u sooooo much<333

    3. I love you too bestie so much <3

  2. we should be saying sorry, not you holly. we shouldnt be hassling you all the time to come on. you have a life outside of msp and people should understand that. i hope your feeling better and if not then i hope you get better soon, and ill pray for your sister i really hope she recovers well, i had surgery when i was 4 xD i was fine xD i hope all is well soon and everything. ly sooo much<3 never change<33

    ~Christabel Hipster<33

    1. Thank you bestie so much <3 she has had 7 surgies for this and this by far her last one.. she is a trooper though.. she handles it as best as she can.. and no one hassles me really i just feel so bad because it puts me behind and people are so nice to help me I cant go fast enough <3

  3. Get well soon, and send our love to your sister <33

  4. Hope you get better soon <33 You and your sister are strong, send my love to her <33 Lysm

    1. Thanks bestie <3 i will and i am feeling better i just wish the lag would let up so i could move on the game lol

  5. Wish u and your sister the best x x dont be sorry (: Take your time,we all understand x x Ily loads Hope your sisters well soon ! Hope we can talk again soon,So many problems irl which i cant handle :( But i will always try and come on to see u x x And i understand if u cant get my msgs x x Ily auntie holly,My bestie,My net sister,The bestest Person ive ever met!

    Love Baby Carla Angeling (a)

    1. hey baby carla and thank you, How have you been? I hope your okay <3 and ty for you understanding

    2. Im good x Just stuggling irl with my friends and things but,yeah, im mostly ok (:


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