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(a)ings are inspirational, We are not Angel's! We believe in defending ourselves & our friends against the hate on msp. Our theme this week is: ♥ For the Love Of Valentines♥ ! ♥ !..Have an idea for a theme, weekly, or weekend theme of your choice? Just email me and let me know i will help you with it if you like <33 Contact me- Imvu- hollyreneexx , Facebook- Hollyrenee Msp , Twitter- @hollyreneemsp Email address- hollyreneeukmsp@gmail.com

Sunday, October 19, 2014

See what bullying does!

Alright haters you wnt to continue harrassing me and or my friends for the sake of your team or "idols" this is wht will happen to you! Click these pictures to make them larger!

Listen to me and listen good.. you mess with me and or us I am now emailing msp.. and sending them pictures of everything! I even told this girl tht she would get tht account locked & her main & she didnt believe me :) So whoever her main was is now locked from msp! Normally words dnt hrt me BUT whn you bring my life into it does.. This girl made me shed tears from the words.. and i dnt normally do tht.. I normally just ignore it and move on..

So i suggest you stop the hating to me, angelings or anyone for that matter.. 

My friends, Angelings dnt go hating please! Start taking pictures and sending thm to msp... This is so stupid to be hating on anyone for the sake of their "idol", and because of someone getting ready to pass me.. BIG DEAL.. haters of me because of thm be happy for their success.. It just gets them one step closer to where they will be fighting each other to keep their spots on the 1st page :) 

Alisha- I suggest you stop your trash arts.. I am tired of you messing with me whn I do nothing to you but keep trying on msp.. I am tired of seeing you & stardust on my friends wall bringing us down with your brain washing garbage.. YOU ARE THE BULLY not me, not Candired, and not Angelings! Both of your comments are nothing but trash.. yes TRASH! You do nothing on msp but bully your way around.. You start fights all the time.. You start stuff whn angelings have an angeling theme... You start stuff just because you like the negative spot light.. You are probably some scared little girl hiding behind a computer screen! Alisha I could say so much to both you and Stardust.. to once think i looked up to you Ali.. Wht a mistake.. i have seen you put so many ppl down and Stardust follows you.. tht is soo SAD! & yes ali i will blog you whn i feel like i need to.. again some day hopefully ppl will see you for who you are! Oh yeah and Ali sorry to you as an example BUT you use me as an example on msp all the time.. again i dnt think you did this round of bullying.. lets get tht straight.. BUT THIS ALI IS WHT BULLYING & YOUR BRAIN WASHING DOES TO PPL TURNS THM INTO BULLIES THEMSELVES!!!!! SO STOP

Again true meaning of Angelings- Love, friendship, and family.. NOT tht we are angels! I know I am not innocent and again I have apologized for my past.. But you know "wot" I am not apologizing anymore and I am not longer being peace maker.. It gets me know where!

PLEASE SHARE THIS! Im done playing your childish games.. Msp is a place for fun and friendship.. as well as fame as long as you get fairly and dnt go hating and bullying for it 

Ps.. I am not saying Alishak has anything to do with this situation.... this girl claimed to be her and I said no!
 I know Ali is rude.. But i dnt think even she would do something so heartless.. I think she was just a crazed fan of hers..

I will allow comments but bad ones will not be posted so dnt bother waisting your time please 

I sometimes wonder why I play on msp anymore.. My past on tht game is held against me whn other's are forgotten about.. why cant all you haters just stop and leave me the hell alone? Why do you have to hold things against me for the sake of your "idols".. They get all the help and all the sympathy.. But yet I get nothing but hate! Why? Is it because they are higher in levels? More well known? Or is it because they havent shown you their bad side? Well guess "wot" look at many ppl's walls and you will see their bad side.. BUT yet you all still idolize them? Hmm.. Or is it because you are scared of them? if tht is the case why? Do you wnt to be their friends so badly you will go on a hate spree for them? 

When i go back on ppl its because they mess with me 1st! Not the other away around.. You dnt like me or my attitude unfriend me and block me.. OR dnt bother looking at me! 





  2. Carla.. i didnt post your 1st comment.. I am not saying Alishak did this.. i think its more of a fan of hers.. Not alishak herself.. she is rude but i dnt think she would be so heartless

    1. Not to say something like tht of someone's personal life.. but if i find out she is or has a part in it.. I will not be happy :/

    2. Sorry,I'm very tired lol Had been crying for ages on end x x I sorta quit msp only on to help and join in ur themes and talk to Angelings x x

    3. I don't know why u get so much hate BFF ;( U make amazing themes,Tell people how kind they are,help ppl....I cud go on all day :) But u shouldn't get hate

  3. Holly ur an incredible bestie x x Ily lots and please msg on imvu sometimes x x I always get worried when u and candi get hate because I really wanna help to make u to smile :) Ily lots

    1. Thank you Carla but Imvu is not working at the moment you can msg me there anytime i check the msgs on site.. <33 thank you for everything.. You should play msp if you can.. yes the hate is sometimes unbearable.. But i believe whn someone quits or whtever because of hate they are letting the bullies and I wont let them win so they are stuck with me <33hollyrenee

    2. Ty :') u made me cry again lol ;'D I have to do homework I will try be on later x x Probs not able to come on as on msp I can only go on app,So we might have to msg

  4. OMFG. The hate on this game is UNBELIEVABLE. It is UNREAL. Now THAT girl is what I call evil, pure and simple. Why can't these people stop being such losers and grow up? -.- Don't listen to any of them Hollz, they're just losers with nothing better to do with their lives.

    1. Yes don't listen to them holly they are jealous because ur LVL 57, Kind and lovely

  5. Wow I didn't know how low people could actually stoop. Holly, u have been there for me. As have the Angelings, we are a true family and we stay together through thick and thin. Whoever this is msging you is just fame seeking, they are jealous of you and want to win you over so they have a chance to become who you are. But no matter what they do or say, holly, you are special.

    1. Thank you so much <33 ly 2 I am always here for you <3

  6. I'll Film Any Bullying I See For My YouTube So people Can See The Truth xxx Holly If You Ever have A Free Bestie Space Can I Be Your Bff Soz Bout Asking Just Wondered It's Ok If Not <33

  7. The extent people go to for their "idols" Ik that isn't alisha or she wouldn't be on msp BUT guess the girl didn't think of the fact her ip would b blocked xD I can't believe her msgs -.- All shit and I'm glad u told msp holly

  8. What that gal said to u has lead me feeling ill. How DARE she say that to u -.- if she was still on msp, gosh I would go at her so badly! -.- hate is so horrible, but what that girl said was too far -.- gosh how dare she!!!!?!!?!!
    Anyone says something like that to u again, u tell me. Nobody hurts u like that again. Ever.
    Haters u r jealous ppl. Think bout what u say before u say it.
    Holly, ily, we ly- don't let ppl's pathetic behaviours get to u.

  9. Holly stay strong❤.....You and candired don't deserve to be treated like this....Nobody does....I just wanted to let you know that I am here for you and if you need a shoulder to cry on I'll be there...New blog spot I hope it helps
    Stay strong ily❤

  10. Errr who does she think she's is can't believe anyone wud say that thts vile don't listen to her xx <3

  11. No i dnt believe it is her either.. Just some fan being stupid for her

  12. Spineless to hide under low accounts.. Im glad they blocked her IP because what she has said is so bad and hurtful.

  13. This makes me so mad I want to through myself into a wall and get concussion.. The bitter taste this crap leaves in my mouth violates me. How can somebody be SO heartless? Especially hiding behind a screen.. Some people are so fake they might aswell be plastic.. How DARE anybody treat you like this Holly.. How dare a person treat ANYBODY like this? Nobody deserves this crap.. I'm so happy their IP address is blocked.. I'm so happy you reported this before this monster spread anymore shit.. I'm there for you Holly, you don't deserve this.. Rosie <33 xxx

  14. I am literally so annoyed right now...I am not going to name and shame, I'm just going to get to a point. I'm not going to accuse of anything, just say my mind about things everyone know's are true.I'm so annoyed because you do not deserve any hate Holly, because you're just so amazing, sweet, kind..the list goes on. Anyone who says you've bullied them, they are so fame thirsty! They're attention grabbers and won't let little things go that have been proved WRONG. You've been nothing but an amazing friend to me for over a year now Holly, and I'm not easy to put up with, that just proves your patience. They don't get that they can't break you, because you're so strong, the Angelings are so strong, and we'll always defend one another. I wonder if they're just jealous that Angelings are such an amazing family. I don't understand why they are so desperate to bash you & other Angelings? They are going by the number and NOT the person, which is silly! I don't know why they can't see the truth...maybe because they've gone this far, they can't back out and be proved wrong, maybe they don't want to seem weak for backing down...I don't know.
    It's not my business, no, but that girl(or boy, not jumping to the conclusion that it's a girl) Had NO right to target you like that, that's just cruel. To strike where it really hurts, thinking they can break you like that. Agh. It just annoys me so much. I am not sure if you'll read all this, as I know it's incredibly long, I'm incredibly sorry for that. You may not want this comment to be here, that's okay. I just have strong opinions about all this drama. Thank you for all you have done for me Holly<3
    ~ Molly

    1. Thank you so match you show such true friendship and dnt get angry with me because i am constantly running behind.. Like I said I have apologized to msp many times more then anyone I believe and still have to be reminded about everything.. someone ekese does something and get nothing but sunshine and roses :/.

  15. its icey alishak is a stupid person her and stardust blah blah there stupid they joined msp to be stupid stupid omg i like wanna swear at her and stardust so badly

  16. This Hate Needs To Stop -.- Its Getting To Everyone All We Do Is Defend Our Friends And Then Angelings Come Down With The Blame I dont like writing on peoples walls with not nice things but sometimes I will have to open my mouth and let the haters know how we feel. ly holly❤ stay strong and try and ignore the haters ❤❤❤❤

    1. Thank you Malaika I do agree with you <33 Ly too

  17. Oh My God holly, this is so horrible ͼ(ݓ_ݓ)ͽ Why people hate on angelings and you and candi is sickening.. No one deserves hate no matter what <3 Your so kind and forgiving and are so beautiful in many ways it nearly makes me cry every single time an angeling gets hated on... I think alishaks fans are brainwashed by her and follow her steps and copy what she does, take no notice of what she says or what her fans say ღ -Ponynut2 ≧◠‿◠≦✌ (っ^▿^)\ (•◡•) /

    1. Thank you Pony but sometimes it is very hard not to take notice when you see or who from othe ppl wht she is doing and saying <33 ly

  18. Sorry my last comment was kind of unapt. You dont need to publish it if you dont want to. You can just reply

    1. I would published if you didnt say something xD about some'1 back side lol other i would have published it all xD I know its not true and those like you , candi, and Aly "shakeitup" and Cat.. even Pretty gal i think has been with me and hayhay since day 1 so yeah..It upsets me they have to always brong something up tht whn it happened nothing but kindness was shown it was whn i pass fran it started to be used aganst me :/ <33hollyrenee


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