Welcome to our 1st Halloween Post! I hope you have been enjoying Halloween week... we still have a while b4 it ends so it gives you plenty of time to change into all our costumes or save for one..
With this said I have a special thank you post for you all for helping me this week. Thank you for all generoursity.. I know owe so many autos <33 I am repaying them back it takes times because I am only 1 person trying to do life and game..
With this said I am canceling Animals :/ The views are just not good.. I do have another series in mind.. I may start tonight to those who liked my series I am sorry.. :s I just cant get into making it and the views are to low..
Okay on with the pictures!!!
Issy, You are one of my bet and truest friends... I am so happy you are back! I cried tears tht day you came back on msp. You hve been there for us through it all <33 ly
Thank you Isabella for defending us by status, I know me hardly talk it dnt help whn msp dnt give me your msgs.. but know how grateful i am to you.. and ty so much for the status and art <33
Kat me and you have become really close in the past week or so.. Thank you for everything and your lovely art for Halloween!
Nice to see Ken back with Angelings as he was missed whn he was gone. He is a wonderful friend!
Liv, me and you had a bad day yesterday, you were so upset and i could see why on your wall.. please know just block and report ppl.. as i said i didnt see much just a couple of ppl on the wall who had a big mouths and no place to tell you off.. but words are just that words.. Your TRUE friends know who you are <33 ly <33
Thank you so much for this art I love it.. You set us up really pretty.. I dnt think I have seen art with the character like tht o,o
Matchstix.. You have helped me so much this past week, I love you sppp much and you are a true friend thank you for everything
My sweet Cadie, Thank you for this artbook, it is so true hun and blog post was so true please click the link to read her posts..
Twinkle you are a great friend I just love to see your arts.. I nvr get tired of reading them. You always manage to join in the theme if you dont have a costume... I love ya <33 ty for everything
Queenland your status was so heart warming.. Thank you so much for adding it to your status
Sunny thank you so much for the artbooks.. they are beautiful!