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(a)ings are inspirational, We are not Angel's! We believe in defending ourselves & our friends against the hate on msp. Our theme this week is: ♥ For the Love Of Valentines♥ ! ♥ !..Have an idea for a theme, weekly, or weekend theme of your choice? Just email me and let me know i will help you with it if you like <33 Contact me- Imvu- hollyreneexx , Facebook- Hollyrenee Msp , Twitter- @hollyreneemsp Email address- hollyreneeukmsp@gmail.com

Sunday, August 17, 2014

Fine you want an apology here it is

Fine you all want an apology from me here it is.. Its long be warned

Sabrina ty for your apology.. <33

Glam- I will remove my blog post about you being a stalker... I am so sorry for tht.. BUT with tht said I TRUELY BELIEVE YOU ARE itsglam amongst many other Glam accounts I had you added on.. why else would you be out to get me and Candired so bad.. But yeah there is my sorry to you.. I also have part of the chat tht day when TaDart said i was out to get you.. I said why I dnt know her.. TaDart said she knows you.. No normal person would go to such extreme to cause this much hate with out knowing someone..You want the chat showing it let me know I will be more then happy to share it.. Just let me know.. I am sorry you got yourself involved when it had 0 to do with you.. and also you could apologize BUT I wont ever be your friend  for all the hate arts you keep sporting .. for all the lies..Yes I am forgiving but it dnt mean we have to be friends...TO MUCH damage has been done by you..

Ken- I am sooo sorry for being upset at your sister for making a trash art and defending myself against it..I am sorry for it all.. I am sorry you have to hate me so bad for you take make such hateful arts i wouldnt have expected from you .. Thank you Ken for removing the arts and apologizing 

For all haters- I am SOOO sorry for standing up to you all and not letting you walk over me, Candired and my friends... I am so sorry I have friends who also defend me, their friends, and themselves against your hate.. Tht is what friends do maybe think about tht.

To my friends.. I am sorry this is all going on please just stay out of it.. dnt bother with them anymore.. Plz do not post anymore (a) on walls unless it is needed dnt show support for us on others who are not on our team.. Let the other team who have to post on our walls look silly then do it back if you want but not 1st! I appreciate you all so much for defending me and Candired <33

To Ali & Rox.. Sorry for proving you started the arguemnts btween me, Candired, You and the rest of them with your fame seek arts and movies whn we didnt mention you on game any time you did & also  Rox forgets Candired had her blessing along with Isha to make her series ..Rox you didnt even ask us.. or try to ask..you did it just for fame only... Sorry for not letting you get away with trashing us.. 
Ali for saying your brother was involved with hate and i found " he wasnt" I apologized and owned up to it..I made art.. NOT like U have nvr made a mistake.. but yet you keep on tht as well & Sorry you bully ppl & U nvr apologize for anything.. " loolz"
Rox sorry for ever believing in your apology.. It was a total crock.. I am sorry you have to copy theme days and a series from your enemy to make fame and try to make others look bad for your own gain, game and ego :) Also as in your words from you series "Magic went crawling back to candi & holly" well Rox you wnt crawling back to Isha and your old fame hungry monster  ways :) For you making your series I will make mine.. and Candi will make her.. I know mine dnt get the views.. But Candired's does.. enjoy the show :)

Isha, Rox and Ali..I am sorry me and Candired have a such a wonderful friendship :/ tht nothing comes between us.

To those who have unfriended me & unfriended Candired over everything and not listening to both sides who listened to the ppl who have made the arts I am sorry you listened to THEM and not by wht our friendship was.. 

To all.. I am sorry for wht others have to do for attention.. I am sorry for this "war" tht just seems to be started by others when all is quiet..I am sorry there are so many ppl who put fake fame b4 friendship.. and not friendship before fake fame..to those who all say fame, fortune, friends..  :/ << look at tht you are saying its okay to put fake fame 1st

To those who use the word "Devilings" Yes I used the term a yr ago and called HATERS towards me only! I nvr called the moviestar 's   friends and who supported her..I  called HATERS tht.. and tht is the past I LIVE with at least every couple days.. BUT yet everyone on a higher lvl can be forgiven and forgotten about :/ I apologized to the moviestar whose friends and fans thought it was directed towards.. and yet it I am always reminded of it :/ I was being so hated at the time and was very frustrated.. I have NOT used the term since NOT even now as I have changed as a person.. Those who played a yr ago and know about the situation should understand..

Wht "Angelings" means.. THE TRUE meaning.. Back when all this hate started almost a yr whn me and Fran is Epic were enimies.. She created her group Epiclings.. I thn in return created Angelings (a).. Angel's have such a special meaning for me.. Only those who where were on msp 1 1/2 yrs ago, & close friends will know why and I will not be saying why now "coz" it will just be used against me and I will be called a fame seeker for it.. branded by Rox, Ali, and Isha " your are no angel".. We have never said we are angels.. Tht is again something else they used and put words in our mouths.. Angelings stand for friendship, love, defending ourselves and our friends & fans against the hate on msp! Unlike many on tht front page we dnt go around bullying.. If you see us on walls.. at anytime in wht you think is bullying or a hateful manner it is because of the person messing with one of us whn its not called for! We nvr hate 1st and if someone  on Angelings does and I am told I will ask them why.. I also get msgs when Angelings are hating & check it out for myself.

To Isha..I am sorry I ever believed you & have something more to say well as I have said be4 Me and Candired were both nothing but genuine to YOU ALL.. You are art is wrong..  I blocked you after you helped "Chuck" to the 1st pg..Sending him greet after greet.. You just cant have another angeling on the front page can you? I kept you added even after you & Candi fell out..  because I was a true friend you truely werent in the end.. You told me when our "friendship" started "Chuck" was aware and didnt mind cause "he" didnt play anymore.. & when all was done and I was very grateful for your help as I told you many times.. all the sudden "he" had a problem..I was told something about you and "him".. and have lost so much respect for you as a person and #1 player on msp since being told.. and wht I was told was so shocking to me my mouth literally dropped..
Why help me to begin with if you were just going to take it all back? Sorry you bully ppl with threatning to delete when they dnt watch your movies " seen so many of those status in 2 1/2 yrs on this game" and you dnt care about friendship.. I also seen you brought hero's back make sure you all live by wht you teach.. to try and reduce bullying on msp.. as I am sure you wont.. "Coz" you have had many ppl hate on us this last go round by asking in 2 arts tht I saw to love and share this art get the word out about them .. (i) and also Isha loved your term brainwashed :) Make sure you know wht it means...

Okay there is my apology and its genuine.. This is how I truely feel.. .. I wonder how many will make theirs now?

Sorry for the long post just have a lot to say as usual <3

To those who have apologized and removed arts I cant thank you enough.. Plz apologize to Candired as well as she deserves it.. because of the hate arts against us.. and you all not knowing all facts..<33

Please see Candired's apology to msp by clicking here


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