About Me

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(a)ings are inspirational, We are not Angel's! We believe in defending ourselves & our friends against the hate on msp. Our theme this week is: ♥ For the Love Of Valentines♥ ! ♥ !..Have an idea for a theme, weekly, or weekend theme of your choice? Just email me and let me know i will help you with it if you like <33 Contact me- Imvu- hollyreneexx , Facebook- Hollyrenee Msp , Twitter- @hollyreneemsp Email address- hollyreneeukmsp@gmail.com

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

~~ Goth Theme ~~

Our theme this week is Goth which I know will make a lot happy, as a lot of ppl have wanted Goth for a while now, and this week it won with 8 votes! This week total in votes were 18! Tht is great thank you all so much who voted!!

Remember you do not have to join in its all for fun.. all my looks are buyable, and if you need help making looks.. go to google images and type in goth 



  1. Ooh yay! Tomorrow I will get buying (I have been locked for the past three days I can't today) But I get unlocked at 2am so I'll buy then :D

    1. Molly you were locked?? wht happened? I got warned the other day but no idea wht for lol.. and whn i msg them they send me this automated msg saying the same thing

    2. Yep I got locked, apparently for"threatening other users" of course I didn't but they say I did. I emailed them and they said that I'd broken the rules..I don't know xD but I'm unlocked now so phew

  2. I don't consider myself a goth but I do wear a lot of black irl xD

    1. I dnt wear black inlife either.. I dnt like it whn my brother & sister wear it either tbh
